Guiding Spring 2020 • Lets GO!

WOW. Its been a long hiatus on the guiding front. So much has happened and Im excited to say that Im back and ready for the 2020 guide season. Ive been busy setting up my ceramic business with my wife and establishing ourselves and now that the studio is balanced I’m ready to hit the rivers again.

Ive spent the last year seeking new water on my own and learning a lot. The Deerfield has always been my go to but the Swift and Westfield River constantly challenge me to adapt and seek out new places. I will always be a streamer fisherman at heart but it’s so important to challenge yourself in other fishing methods. Dry fly fishing, wet flies and yes nymphs, its important to adapt and have a well rounded arsenal when fly fishing.

With the COVID-19 pandemic at our doorstep I want to open up guiding in May. If you want to do some social distancing and hit the rivers give me a shout and look on my website for updated info about what I have to offer.

Here are some happy faces from the past year and Im ready to see some more soon. Good to be back! See you on the water.

  • Grant

Booking for SPRING & A River Update

Iv’e started reserving dates for the Spring! There where a healthy amount of hold over fish this year and its lookin’ good! Hit me up if you want to fly fish the Deerfield, Westfield or Swift Rivers.  Email me at to book a date!

dscn5034One big rainbow from last spring caught on the East Branch on the Westfield. dscn5089Happy faces on the water.

Also, the weather is great and the fish are getting somewhat active. One thing to always keep in mind this time of year is snow melt. It may be 60 degrees outside but that snowy run off will effect the water temperature dramatically and the fishing will drop off. Plan to go out several days after the melt and the fish will be less lethargic and easier to convince.

The Swift has been really solid this winter. No otters and no complaints from this fisherman. I caught this brook trout on one of my favorite bends on a big olive bugger. dscn6121The Deerfield has also been productive in some stretches. It can be dangerous to wade but the hold over brown trout are ready to hit streamers! See you out there!



River Update • Thank God For Rain

Well the rain brought the rivers back here in the valley and its about time. The Deerfield is fishing really well and the Westfield is flowing back to its wonderful state.

The Deerfield River has some big rainbows cursing around. Use streamers and big fluffy dries. These trout are anything but lethargic and they have bad intentions for your fly. Fish this river – The rain did wonders for it.

The EB got hit HARD from this summers drought with little places for trout to hide and increasing water temperature, the weather has paid its tole on the number of fish. With luck, the rain will move some fish around and more rain will follow. Fingers crossed. I hit the upper stretches of the Westfield after the rain and had some luck. Its not totally wiped clean…

The Swift, what a river. Its been solid all year. Oh, and Its still hopper season. I headed to the Swift not to long ago and used my Westfield Hopper Dry fly on some southern areas of the river in my canoe. I’ve been exploring some new territory / fishing techniques on this river and it seams to be producing some beautiful fish. Dry flies are always on my mind when fishing this river. Hoppers, Blue Winged Olives, are a must, Caddis and large Orange Stimulators can bring some large brown trout to the surface. Killer water.

My advice, fish the Swift and let the Westfield regain its sea legs. Its been a rough summer.



Guiding and a little about the Westfield River

DSCN5025I have spent a lot of time fishing the East Branch of the Westfield River and every time I head out I learn something new. This EB is a beautiful freestone river that beckons to be fished. The landscape is that of a Montana river with huge boulders that break up the water with plenty of room to back cast.  This spring is all about the rainbows on the EB. They are cursing around taking large buggers and fluffy dries. Last Spring the EB had a lot of brookies but not this season. The rainbows are aggressively ruling the water and showing no signs of slowing down. Check this river out, you won’t be disappointed. DSCN5044

Life on the EB • Chesterfield MA

Fall always makes me think of this quote:

“Autumn is a second spring when every leaf is a flower”

– Albert Camus

So true in so many ways.  Sometimes I don’t know whether to fish or take photos. This outing had a little of both I guess. The water is still low but not as low as it’s been on the Westfield River. Life is always in abundance down in the valley. I think thats one reason I love fishing there. So many beautiful things to witness. The birds, the insects the sounds. The fish have been cooperating too. These trout are active and hungry; hitting soft hackle nymphs like its their job. All I can do is soak up the remaining warm autumn days before the inevitable passing of winter. Life is good when fishing here on the EB. Cheers.

Catch & Release • EB

Fall is here and the EB could use a little water. The fish have been concentrated clinging under banks trying to avoid the revealing sun. G-d I hope we get some rain soon. One positive thing about shallow water is that it brings me to new places. I don’t fish the usual runs when the water is nearly unfishable.  Looking on my map I decided to hike into an area of the EB I’ve never been before. Pushing through nearly fifty feet of brush and a very obnoxious pricker bush, I found it. A sweet bend in the river that had some good sized fish. Rainbows! Lots of rainbows. I also lost a huge brown. You know, one of those fish that hits, runs and you lose him soon after… swearing follows along with self doubt and crippling excitement. Yeah, that fish.  After losing that brute I started to think about how special this river is to me and so many others. Iv’e always admired how the East Branch of the Westfield River is Catch & Release. I find it so rewarding to see other fisherman catch a fish and send it on its way. Good stuff.